Fwd: Rally for your local bushland under threat this Saturday

Event: Rally for our bushland nearby!

The recent bushfires brought the message close to home:  Climate change is real and happening.  Our bush remnant areas and green spaces are needed more than ever to keep our cities cool and clean.

The last decade has seen rampant clearing of high conservation value natural areas to facilitate ‘urban development’. Remnant natural and green areas need to be fully valued and formally protected or governments and developers will continue to sell them off and profit to the detriment of the wider community and the environment.

Concerned community groups from Perth to Pemberton will come together this Saturday in their own regions to say, "Stop the Damage, Premier”.

  In the 1980s, the Mosman Park Community fought to save some of its bushland when a large housing development occurred on Buckland Hill.  The development went ahead with the firm understanding that the Vlamingh Parkland coastal and river to sea linkages were set aside to conserve the environment, heritage, cultural and amenity value.

·         Today this area is more valuable than ever, as road widening, and development encroaches ever more into remnant bushland.

·         The Government is proposing to rezone 8000sqm around the old cable station with the intention of further urban development.

·         The value of this land for the community is far higher than the price the government will sell it for or the profits available to the developers.  We need this area as a green corridor that links the natural coastal strip to the corridor linking the ocean and the river.

·        We will continue to see loss of native plant and animal habitat in local remnant bushland unless policies are directed at their retention and restoration and recognise the immediacy of negative climate change influences.

Join in this Saturday 20th February between 9.30 and 10.30am to bring awareness of areas under imminent threat. Groups will gather at the following ‘hot spots’.

1)    Vlamingh Parkland, car park opposite Old Cable station/Montessori school

2)    Underwood Bushland, corner Selby and Underwood avenue

3)    Erindale Road Bushland, corner Lennox and Erindale Road, Hammerley

4)    Ocean Reef and Bushland,corner Hodges drive and Ocean Reef Drive

·       Make a statement on a homemade placard! "Bush not Bricks" "Save our Bushland" "Livable Cities" "Action on Climate Change" "

"No Housing Here" "Bush Forever" "Keep the link"







Fwd: Celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity - Latest from UBC blog

The Quinns Rock Environmental Group are offering a curatored walk of Neerabup National Park to us as members of Urban Bushland Council. This would not only be a great walk but educational. How many of you have been to Neerabup NP? Not me! 
As our population expands so do our suburbs. The northern suburbs have had enormous growth in the last 40 years but should we still be putting main roads through our main green infrastructure? If so how do we preserve the wildlife linkages? As you know our Mosman Park major wildlife linkage connecting the ocean and the river through Buckland Hill has major transport routes (Stirling Highway, Fremantle train line and Curtin Avenue) dissecting it. 
Unlike Mosman Park, Neerabup still has many four legged native mammals and many insects. 

Let me know if you have registered so some physical distancing transport pooling can occur.

Celebrate with a Guided Walk. Visit Neerabup National Park, a connector for biodiversity in the Northern corridor but under pressure from development 
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Celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity

Celebrate with a Guided Walk…

Visit Neerabup National Park which is a connector for biodiversity but is under pressure from development in the Northern corridor.

Join the UBC sponsored guided walk of the Neerabup National Park lead by members of the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group (QREG) on Sunday 31 May. You will explore the Tuart and Jarrah Woodlands to Open Forests. You will also observe the fauna underpasses installed two years ago as a mitigation measure for Neerabup Road dissecting the widest section of the National Park.

We are limiting places to 10 participants per session to meet the COVID-19 safety requirements for physical distancing. If you cannot attend after making a registration, please cancel your registration.

There are 3 identical sessions. You can register for your preferred time via Eventbrite at the links below or from the UBC Events page

Session 1: 9.30-11.30am Register here

or Session 2: 10.30am-12.30pm Register here.   

or Session 3: 2.00-4.00pm Register here.  

Please meet at 10th Light Horse Heritage Trail car park in Wanneroo Road, Neerabup, just north of Neerabup Road.

We recommend that you wear closed shoes, hat, sunscreen and bring insect repellent as ticks are common.  Also bring along water and light refreshment or lunch. If you plan to have your lunch at the site, bring your camping chair too.  No dogs, thank you.

Neerabup National Park

Neerabup National Park (Bush Forever Area 383) is a wonderful example of biodiversity of this part of the Swan Coastal Plain. It stretches over 12 km from NW to SE between Yellagonga Regional Park and Yanchep National Park. And it is also the only East-West ecological linkage traversing the full suite of Swan Coastal Plain vegetation complexes in the North Metropolitan region. .

In addition, the Park is a place of cultural heritage. The Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail is based on local Whadjuk Noongar elder Yellagonga’s tribe’s movement. Europeans  later used the trail as a stock route. Then during WWI, the Park was home to the 10th Light Horse regiment.

Neerabup National Park was originally gazetted in 1965 for the purpose of ‘National Park’. The conservation significance of this area has been recognised many times. This includes its designation as Bush Forever Area 383 and EPA recommendations to add lands to the National Park boundary following its assessment of MRS Amendments 992/33 in 2000. However, the EPA recommendations are yet to be finalised. While we wait, major road projects that adversely impact the National Park continue to be approved. Considering the narrow, elongated shape of the national park, sensitive and adaptive management of this significant biodiversity asset is critical.

International Day for Biological Diversity 22 May

You can find further information about the International Day for Biological Diversity here. Its 2020 Theme is: Our solutions are in nature.  This theme emphasizes hope, solidarity and the importance of working together at all levels to build a future of life in harmony with nature.

The post Celebrate International Day for Biological Diversity appeared first on Urban Bushland Council WA.

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Get your orders in for native plants now and be subsidised by your Western Suburbs Councils

Dont miss out on this May opportunity! APACE are putting together lots of 20 plants suited for your garden at the low price of $1.75@. They are making the choices of local ground covers to shrubs.
Perhaps you could donate any spares to Friends of Mosman Park Bushland and even help us plant them.
Remember your garden is important as a refuge for local wildlife where you can nurture plants and the birds and insects they attract!