300 plants in Three Boys Park on Monument street!
What teams! It just goes to show what we can do!
Everyone has come away from the planting days with a really good feeling that we can make a difference! Together we can make a big difference!
There are still plants left over which will go in the bare pockets around the bike / pedestrian path down from the BBQ at Minim Cove. Heidi, the Town of Mosman Park bushcare officer has convinced our council depot that those areas should be sprayed for weeds as a matter of urgency. Planting will resume on Friday busy bees if anyone can get down there from 9am, starting on Friday 8th July. The sooner the remaining plants are in the ground the better their chance of survival.
It is very hard to recreate bush. It is so much easier to look after what bush we have left.
There are many species of plants in our bushland that are represented by only one remaining plant or just a few. One of these is the only species left in the greater Perth region. This plant is very difficult to collect seeds from and propagate by cutting. Both seed and cutting propagation has failed for us.
Half of the seedlings on the community planting days came from seeds we had collected from the existing bushland and the other half are species that had been lost to Mosman Park.
Watering in the seedlings completes the morning's work (below)