Planting Day - Minim Cove Park Plant Islands Sunday 7th June 2015

Students and their parents from Scotch College are helping us again this year by planting along this path. The plants are all local plants that once grew here! This path will become a bush trail!


Would you like to be part of it? Meet at the lower gate area from 9am to 11.30am on Sunday 7th June 2015.


Tools and morning tea provided!


Wear old clothes, sturdy boots and sunprotection! Expecting a sunny 22 degrees!

26th April 2015 Sunday busy bee

Lend a hand in Minim Cove Park on Sunday 26th April 2015 from 9am to 11.30am.

We have seeds of the native spinach plant, collected from the few plants at Garangup beach to be direct seeded along the beach to increase numbers further along the river. Old shoes for wading in the shallows of the river are advisable if the tide is high!

We also have seeds of the native pellitory herb to be seeded under a tree we have been keeping weed free. Pellitory is the preferred plant for the yellow admiral butterfly. There is a small amount of native pellitory left in the bushland because it is a prolific seeder.

The recent rains have germinated weeds in profusion. It is a perfect time to make an impact before the natives germinate.

Predicted to be a beautiful 24 degrees!

There are plenty of jobs to do! I hope you can make some time to come and enjoy the bushland , good company, while caring for your bushland.

Old clothes, sturdy shoes and a water bottle! It can be quite hot still so take precaution of the sun! Morning tea provided!

Sunday 29th March 2015 Busy Bee at Minim Cove Park

Meet from 9am to 11.30am at the top gate, fenced area of Minim Cove Park off Fairbairn Street.

Prediction for a pleasant 30deg, so a hat, sunscreen, water bottle and strong shoes advisable.

Morning tea and tools provided!

Mosman Park community fair also this Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 6pm, where we will be showcasing our bushland group. Come down and help man our stall while listening to premier Jazz vocalist, Libby Hammer and other live entertainers. Mann Oval, Lochee street.

These pretty seeds are from our attractive cyclops wattle. If you want to find a bobtail lizard in the bushland, just look under this wattle where the seeds are its treat. Rocky Bay members have been able to sort these seeds for us to store in the APACE nursery seed bank for future plantings.

cyclops wattle 16-01-2015 12-28-58 PM.JPG


Join us Sunday 1st March 2015, 10am to 12noon at Garangup Beach meeting place under powerlines. Closest parking is the eastern carpark in Hutchinson Avenue, Mosman Park.


Second entrance to Minim Cove Beaches is directly in from Stone street, enter river beach at sign on peppermint tree.


We are cleaning up rubbish, asthma weed and collecting native spinach seeds for redistribution!


Wear old shoes for walking in the river, be sun smart and bring a water bottle.


Refreshments afterwards!


October End of month busy bee at Minim Cove Park, Mosman Park

Meet at top small gate MCP off Fairbairn st path from 9am to 11.30.


Weeds are in seed but can still be removed to prevent infestations next year! We will be working to keep good areas good or freeing up special plants.


Should be a lovely spring day in the bushland. The hop bush (Dodonea hackettiana) is looking stunning as the seed pods go redder, the rainbow bee eaters have been spotted and the mignonette orchids and Boronia alata are flowering.

There has been some good germination this season in the bushland especially in the shady weed free areas on the eastern end of the fenced area.


Have you noticed any plumes of the flowering native grass Austrostipa elegantissma as you walk through MP. Mainly in the Buckland Hill area




ToMP supported MP primary school and FoMPB to make 5 bat boxes with local champion Joe Tonga last Friday. Microbats were detected during the evening of the 2011 fauna survey at the cooling ponds. These bats favourite food are mosquitoes, hence located at the cooling ponds. The bats may be living at Point Walter but now we can provide a home for them in MP. Owls and Tawny frog mouths prey on these tiny bats, so the more bats we have, the less mosquitoes and the more owls and tawny frog mouths. Now we know why a tawny frogmouth lives at the cooling ponds.


Sunday, bring a water bottle, sun protection, long pants and closed shoes advisable.


Tools and morning tea provided!