Our Bushland Busy Bee will be cancelled at Minim Cove Park Friday 15th November due to the forecast of 38 degrees.
Join Friends of Mosman Park Bushland at 8.45am at Mosman Beach, opposite Montessori School, northern most carpark, 2 Curtin Avenue, Mosman Park. 2-3 hour walk, bring a water bottle and wear clothes suited to the weather. Find out why it is an a green corridor, what it provided for the first Australians and the European settlers. To view my file, click this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmeJniUrOAjKgaAAhs6i3S0LwnYy_Q
Sue Conlan Friends of Mosman Park Bushland 0419942483
Join us for a fun morning of planting new seedlings and making new friends at the stunning location of Mt Lyell Park.
All volunteers who help on the day are welcome to join us at the end for a free lunch.
Remember to wear clothing suitable for gardening (including wet weather gear if necessary), including a hat and gloves, apply sunscreen and bring a water bottle.
When: Sunday 30 June 2019, 9.30am - 11.30am Where: Mt Lyell Park - meet at the lookout. Access via Pethyridge Heights or McAllister Rise RSVP: by email to environment@mosmanpark.wa.gov.au or by calling 9384 1633.