Perth to Peel Greening Survey due 7th June 2024

 Friends of Mosman Park Bushland ideas for responding to the Greening Perth to Peel survey FoMPB

Go to link: Urban Greening ( and use the below tips to assist you respond.

Q 1. Self explanatory

Q 2. Select all those that apply

Q 3. On the scale 1 to 10 – select ‘1’ then in the text box for additional comment use info such as:

We have the lowest canopy cover of a capital city in Australia. We need 30% connected biodiverse canopy cover for our health and the planet’s health.

Perth is losing biodiversity and canopy cover, which  UN classify as a violation of humans right to a healthy environment. It is being lost due to:

1)        Clearing for new housing developments

2)        Subdivision of existing blocks for urban infill housing

3)        Polyphagus shot hole borer is killing over 1000 mature trees in Perth in one year

4)        Salt water incursion of ground water (coastal) and dropping water tables from over extraction

5)        Drying and heating climate

6)        Too frequent fires in bushland (Matter of National Environmental Significance)

7)        Weed invasion

8)        Clearing of unofficial tracks in bush reserves

Q 4. On the scale 1 to 10 – select ‘10’ then in the text box for additional comment use info such as:

The need is urgent! If we don’t address the need to have connected nature nearby for liveability,  the cost to remediate will only cost more in the future.

Often cited are the following international figures: 3, 30, 300 – being able to see 3 trees from our house, to live with 30% tree canopy and be within 300m of nature.

Greening needs to be locally viable species that support nature, hence waterwise. Verges are often the only place a large tree has space to grow, yet, in new housing estates, even these are too small.

Q 5. All points are important so choose the priority order for you. In the available text box include any further comment.

Q 6. Select what applies re the “urban heat island effect”.


Q 7.  On the scale 1 to 10 – select ‘3’ (or another low score).

Q 7a. State Mosman Park – assuming you are responding as a resident of Mosman Park.


Q 8. Select ‘Yes’ 

Q 9. Select all that apply. Take care not to check ‘We don’t need more trees’.

In the text box add any further comment; eg Natural areas for canopy cover and ecosystem function

Q 10, 11, 12 and 12a complete as appropriate to your situation.


Q 13. Text box for further comment about anything else you would like to say about trees in your nominated suburb or Perth and Peel. Use any or all of the below:

Town of Mosman Park (ToMP) has 15.8% tree canopy. The Town calculates we need to plant 2100 trees each year to reach 30% tree canopy by 2040, which would mean a rate rise of 8%. This is unlikely to happen!

The Town has calculated that we have not left enough public open space to even achieve 30% canopy cover, even if all streets and POS were 100% canopy covered.

More generally, Perth has 18% canopy cover, which means we have either not left sufficient room for canopy cover or our conservation areas (30%) are in a very degraded state.

The United Nations says that the biggest threat to mankind is loss of biodiversity and functioning ecosystems.

Therefore, the State Government must take action for our health and wellbeing to honour the United Nations Kunming Montreal International commitment to protect 30% of land for Biodiversity and Ecosystems by:

1)        Legislating for 30% tree canopy by 2040

2)        Allowing no further clearing of bush reserves and their linkages

3)        Retention of 30% canopy cover on private land for redevelopment

4)        100% canopy cover of all possible public open space, including verges with native planting to support, preferably, local trees.

5)        Not allowing further infrastructure in public open space unless it can be 100% tree canopy covered, if it is not in a cleared area for organised sport

6)        Revegetating all bush reserves and conservation areas to 100% 3m canopy cover if it is not riparian vegetation, such as saltmarshes and sedgelands

7)        Banning new domestic bores in suburbs that have saltwater incursion from over extraction of freshwater or where superficial water table is dropping and reviewing all bore use agreements

8)        Paying for suburbs’ transition to underground power

9)        Taking urgent action to stop arson and fires from spreading through bushland e.g. fences, , grassy weed control, arson watch, quick response to fire

10)   Supporting DBCA and community volunteer groups to restore remnant bushland and their ecological linkages

11)   Acquiring all private bushland in Perth, starting with Bush Forever and linkages to Bush Forever for conservation protection.

Q 14. Select all that apply, then in the text box for additional comment under ‘Other’ use the below. Addition to education is:

1) How to make verge trees resilient to a drying and heating climate

2) The importance of improving soil health

3) By planting local tree species suited to your conditions, you will nurture local wildlife, birds and insects to strengthen ecosystems so we become less reliant on dangerous chemicals

4) Native verge plantings under your street tree further nurture insects, birds and lizards, and which are hardier to local conditions than lawn. Native plantings will even help your verge tree survive by feeding soil microbes to the roots, which can then share water and nutrients between plants in times of need. Soil microbes supply essential trace elements to their mother plants. Artificial fertilisers reduce good soil microbes causing sickness in plants as artificial fertilisers are unable to supply all trace elements that our native plants need.

5) How to make a wildlife friendly garden using local plants on a shoe string budget.


Q 15. Add any example/s you are aware of.

