How is Buckland Hill fairing two years after being burnt?

Too frequent fires in Buckland Hill's natural area has resulted in a loss of biodiversity of flora and fauna and an increase in fuel load (weeds).

Heidi Khojestah (ToMP bushcare officer) has left this area for volunteers to weed as it has quite a good variety of species that may get killed by off target herbicide spraying.

In this area is one Jacksonia (I do not know of any others in MP), Scaevola nivea, autumn lilly, (Tricoryne elatior), parrot bush, (Banksia sessilis), native grass, (Austrostipa elegantissma), ground cover banksia, (Banksia dallaneyii), Coastal honeymyrtle, (Melaleuca systena), Chenille honeymyrtle, ( Melaleuca hueglii) and of course the beautiful red cockies tongue (Templetonia retusa).

The burnt dead shrubs, although added fuel load, reduce windspeed, provide dappled shade for emerging plants and are a place for birds to perch. By the time the plants have grown up, these dead shrubs will have broken up.

A build up of organic matter over the years in sheltered positions has meant we have pink fairy orchids once again in Buckland Hill.

Lets make this area a beautiful place once again to walk and admire the view to Rottnest Island.

B.Hill biodiverse area.JPG