Bushland Busy Bee Sunday 1st May 9am to 11.30am

Volunteers required to clear some weeds and fill the spot with some of the seeds we and Rocky Bay Rec Connect have been sorting through.


We’ll be working on the east side of the fenced area at Minim Cove Park! Walk from Fairbairn or Stone street to the big gate! You may get lost as the bush trail is now almost unrecognisable one year on from our island plantings.


The sorted seeds have been in my fridge away from critters who make them a meal. May will be a perfect time to reintroduce the seeds. Most native plant seeds like to get really wet before they germinate. With the right temperature and moisture they germinate. APACE nursery use every trick in the book to get seeds to germinate.


Tools and morning tea provided! Wear comfortable old clothes for bush work!