Weeders needed - August Busy Bee

We are desperate for weeders this Sunday August 28th. No experience required! Anything you can contribute would be very welcome. Weeds are at a critical stage of removal. Any later and they will have formed flowers and seeds. Their profusion this year indicates we were too late last year.

We have finished the planting for the year. We thought we had finished a month ago when it was noticed that many parrot bush seeds had germinated in the mulch under the two remaining healthy parrot bushes. Unfortunately they all came up beside each other and would not have survived. This has been a great nursery for us. APACE nursery couldn't get the seeds we collected to grow but here they are coming up in profusion. We have transplanted about 100 of them to areas where there are none and we can water them over the first summer.

Our plantings this year seem to be settling in well, Laurel has single handedly been to each one firming up stakes.

The last few Fridays we have been working along the path. It has been encouraging to hear people saying how nice it is to walk through that area. We hear this every week from many different people.

The shrubs have been flowering for weeks and the birds are a delight to watch.

Please come and join in if you feel like some lighter recreation than the city to surf offers. We'll be there from 9am.