Our next busy bee is Sun Sept. 25th 2011

In the last month we have spent many hours weeding with an enormous amount removed from around last year's plantings and direct seeding plants in preparation for herbicide use inbetween plants. The weeds are looking slightly more manageable but still a lot to be done. Most weeds now have seed heads which have to be removed.
Rob has taken some great shots of weeds at last month's busy bee and has them on our website. Take a look here and with a bit more guidance on site it doesn't take too long to pick them out. If you are more comfortable picking on a weed you know well then start with it.
Target weeds in good areas and weeds that are competing with natives for moisture and light.
Weeding we can get done now will save so much work for us next year.
Busy bee starts at 9am! Tools and morning tea provided! Bring a hat, water and sturdy shoes. Entertainment provided by bobtails!